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Tune in to Dr. Carriquiry on Iowa Public Radio

The River to River program on Iowa Public Radio News featured CSAFE Director Dr. in an April 25, 2019 episode “Improving the Standards of Forensic Evidence in Court.” The interview focused on challenges facing the forensic science system, and how the Center for Statistics and Applications in Forensic Evidence is changing the conversation, and responding with solutions to increase the scientific foundations of the field. Chris Fabricant, Director of Strategic Litigation at the Innocence Project also weighs in on how CSAFE’s research has helped the Innocence Project in cases where faulty forensic evidence led to a wrongful conviction.

From the interview:

“The type of evidence we focus on in CSAFE is pattern evidence and digital evidence. Our job is to see if we can completely turn around the way forensic examinations are done and come up with something that is repeatable, objective and reproducible.  The goal of CSAFE is transferring knowledge and technologies we are generating in the hopes that our tools will be put into practice.” -Dr. Alicia Carriquiry, CSAFE Director