Welcome to the 2023 Conference of the International Association for Identification
Find our booth (#225) in the exhibit hall to talk 1:1 and get free resources.
CSAFE Presentations
CSAFE will be giving the following presentations at IAI. We’d love to meet you in person!
Statistical Thinking for Forensic Practitioners
Aug. 22, 1:00-5:00 p.m.
Hal Stern
Statistical Interpretation and Reporting of Fingerprint Evidence: FRStat
Aug. 22, 1:00-5:00 p.m.
Alicia Carriquiry, Michael J Salyards, Henry Swofford
A Gentle Introduction to the Likelihood Ratio: Basic Ideas, Implementation, and Limitations
Aug. 24, 8:00 a.m.–noon
Alicia Carriquiry, Michael J Salyards
Footwear Impression Examination: A NIST Scientific Foundation Review
Aug. 25, 10:00 a.m.–3:00 p.m.
Kelly Sauerwein, John Butler
An alternative statistical framework for measuring proficiency
Aug. 22, 8:30-8:55 a.m.
Amanda Luby
Statistical Interpretation and Reporting of Fingerprint Evidence: FRStat Introduction and Overview
Aug. 22, 9:00–9:30 a.m.
Alicia Carriquiry, Henry Swofford
Estimation of error rates from black-box studies
Aug. 22, 10:30-11:10 a.m.
Alicia Carriquiry
Source Camera Identification with Multi-Camera Smartphones
Aug. 22, 10:30-11:10 a.m.
Stephanie Reinders
Expected variation in High-Quality Footwear Replicate Test Impressions
Aug. 22, 11:30-11:50 a.m.
Samantha Brady, Jacqueline Speir
What’s in a Name? Consistency in Latent Print Examiners’ Naming Conventions and Perceptions of Minutiae Frequency
Aug. 23, 10:00-10:40 a.m.
Heidi Eldridge, Adele Quigley-McBride
An algorithm for source identification of footwear impressions-its application on pristine shoeprints and crime-scene like shoeprints
Aug. 23, 3:00-3:20 p.m.
Hana Lee
Shoeprint Alignment and Comparison using Maximum Cliques
Aug. 23, 3:30-3:50 p.m.
Gautham Venkatasubramanian
Does Proficiency Testing Resemble Casework? Examiner Software Use and Laboratory Practices in Routine Casework Versus Proficiency Testing
Aug. 24, 11:45 a.m.-Noon
Brett Gardner, Sharon Kelley
Forensic Statistics
Learning Opportunities
Our learning opportunities help amplify existing knowledge and build new competencies
- Learn statistical concepts as they apply to the evaluation of pattern and digital evidence
- Discuss challenges and how to overcome them in your daily work
This beginner level Stats Starter focuses on probability and its application to forensic science.
Introduction to R
This beginner level Stats Starter introduces learners to R – a programming language often used to navigate statistics – and its application to forensic science.
Conditional Probability
This beginner level Stats Starter focuses on conditional probability and its application to forensic science.
Every month, CSAFE condenses recent publications to two-page digests, designed specifically to enable forensic examiners to stay up-to-date, take actionable steps, or gain informed knowledge. Download Insights from CSAFE’s website at your leisure.