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Human Factors

Human Factors That Influence Forensic Evidence



Forensic scientists and other forensic stakeholders must be objective and exact in the work they perform. Yet, human performance can often be influenced by cognitive, perceptual, organizational, socio-cultural factors, and other human tendencies. CSAFE is seeking objective, repeatable ways to identify and minimize human error in forensic science practices. We focus our research on methods and best practices to:

  • Reduce human error and risk.
  • Minimize the effects of cognitive bias.
  • Evaluate the human factors involved in casework.

Our researchers observe the factors that influence forensic scientists’ performance as they examine and assess both pattern evidence and digital evidence, as well as communicate their findings to others.

Human Factors
Learning Experiences

Learn how to identify the common human factors forensic scientists are susceptible to and how those can negatively affect a case, and discover methods for minimizing these human factors.