The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) recently announced that they will hold their annual Forensics@NIST conference on November 5-6, 2020, in a virtual-only format. The conference, hosted by CSAFE partner NIST, will include informative, topical breakout sessions on topics such as firearms and toolmarks, digital and multimedia, statistical methods for forensics, trace evidence and forensic genetics. For those worried they’d miss the conference due to COVID-19, the announcement is great news.
“This is an excellent opportunity for forensics examiners to hear from NIST researchers,” said CSAFE Program Manager Stacy Renfro. “And, because it is virtual, more people can attend this important conference.”
CSAFE focuses on pattern and digital evidence, and works closely with NIST, so Forensics@NIST offers significant value to the CSAFE community. Plus, an overview of the CSAFE five-year plan, post-grant renewal, will be provided by CSAFE Director Dr. Alicia Carriquiry. NIST scientists are on the forefront of using computer science and statistics to strengthen forensic science – learning from and networking digitally with experts and fellow forensic examiners is a can’t miss occasion. Registration is currently open. Make sure to register online here.