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CSAFE Closes Out 2020 with Three Successful Virtual Events

Working on a laptop computer

At the end of 2020, the Center for Statistics and Applications in Forensic Evidence (CSAFE) virtually hosted or presented at a workshop, webinar and lecture series. Below is a summary of each event with links to the presentations or recordings if available.

CSAFE Firearms Workshop

CSAFE hosted a two-day workshop on the analysis and interpretation of bullet and cartridge case evidence using 3D technologies. In addition to an overview of research and various data collection efforts underway, the workshop provided a venue for practitioners and researchers to interact and exchange ideas. Discussions included how to fill the gaps in research and data and how crime labs can begin to pilot new technologies. The workshop was held Nov. 30-Dec 1, and 170 people attended.

CSAFE is planning on a follow-up workshop in 2021. Stay up to date on all CSAFE events by visiting, Or follow CSAFE on Twitter for news and updates.

Mock Juror Perceptions of Forensics

CSAFE hosted the webinar, Mock Juror Perceptions of Forensics, on Dec. 8. This webinar covered the outcomes of two recent studies. First, does knowledge of an expert’s performance on blind proficiency testing affects trust in the expert witness, the evidence and verdicts. Second, does judicial intervention to limit firearms conclusions has its intended effect on jurors. Also, if cross-examination impacts jurors’ perception of firearm testimony.

The webinar was presented by Brandon Garrett, L. Neil Williams Professor of Law, Faculty Director at the Wilson Center for Science and Justice; Nicholas Scurich, Associate Professor of Criminology, Law & Society, Vice Chair of the Department of Psychological Science at the University of California, Irvine; and William Crozier, Research Director of the Wilson Center for Science and Justice.

A recording is available at

Crossing Forensic Borders

On Dec. 16, three CSAFE graduate student researchers participated in the second event of the Crossing Forensic Borders lecture series, a unique program by academic forensic science and education centers around the globe. The students each gave a 25-minute presentation on their research projects. Alicia Carriquiry, CSAFE Director, opened the session by providing a brief overview of CSAFE and its research areas. Below are links to the student’s presentations.

For more information about the Crossing Forensic Borders lecture series, please visit