The Center for Integrity in Forensic Sciences (CIFS) held its inaugural symposium at Washington University Law School in November 2018. CSAFE Director Dr. Alicia Carriquiry served as a panelist on the session “Where’s the Science in Forensic Science? After PCSAT, Where Do We Go From Here?”
CSAFE was honored to partner with new nonprofit CIFS initiated by three Wisconsin lawyers. The organizations seeks to join the practicing lawyer community in collaboration with scientists to “strengthen the independence, objectivity and reliability of crime laboratories and excluding unreliable techniques and testimony from the courtroom.”
Scientists, lawyers and policy experts participating in the event discussed the state of forensic science and opportunities to improve current deficiencies in the wake of recent exonerations due to faulty forensic testimony. Lawyers learned which forensic techniques and methods should be challenged in court and scientists discussed the testing required to determine whether the evidence is scientifically valid and reliable.
Learn more about CIFS, and discover how CSAFE is partnering with other organizations committed to initiating forensic science reform.