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Welcome to the 2022 Conference of the International Association for Identification

Find our booth (#529) in the exhibit hall to talk 1:1 and get free resources.

CSAFE Presentations

CSAFE will be giving the following presentations at IAI. We’d love to meet you in person.

Heike Hofmann

From Scans to Scores

Aug. 2, 8 a.m.-noon

Presenters: Heike Hofmann, professor at Iowa State University, and Susan Vanderplas, assistant professor at University of Nebraska-Lincoln

Location: Hill – Hilton


Local Population Footwear Class Characteristics: An End-to-End Pipeline for Automatic Data Acquisition and Analysis

Aug. 3, 9:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.

Presenters:  Richard Stone, associate professor at Iowa State University, and Susan Vanderplas

Location: 210 – CHI


Statistical Ideas for Forensic Practitioners

Aug. 3, 1-5 p.m.

Presenters:  Alicia Carriquiry, CSAFE director and Distinguished Professor and President’s Chair in Statistics at Iowa State University, and Hal Stern, CSAFE co-director and professor at University of California, Irvine

Location: 208 – CHI


August 4

8-8:40 a.m.

Error Rate Methods for Forensic Handwriting Identification

Presenter: Danica Ommen, assistant professor at Iowa State University

9-9:20 a.m.

Comparing handwriter and FLASH ID, Two Handwriting Analysis Programs

Presenter: Stephanie Reinders, CSAFE researcher scientist

10-11 a.m.

Studying Reproducibility and Repeatability for Pattern Evidence Comparisons

Presenter: Hina Arora, Ph.D. student at University of California, Irvine

11:10 a.m.-noon

Revisiting the Likelihood Ratio: A Gentle Introduction and Some Examples

Presenter: Alicia Carriquiry, CSAFE director and Distinguished Professor and President’s Chair in Statistics at Iowa State University

1:50-2:30 p.m.

A New Algorithm for Source Identification of Look-alike Footwear Impressions Based on Automatic Alignment

Presenter: Hana Lee, graduate student at Iowa State University

4-4:20 p.m.

Jury Perception of Bullet Matching Algorithms and Demonstrative Evidence

Presenter: Rachel Rogers, graduate student at University of Nebraska-Lincoln

4:45-5:05 p.m.

Towards a Score-Based Likelihood Ratio for Footwear Evidence

Presenter: Valerie Han, graduate student at Iowa State University

August 5

11:20-11:40 a.m.

Evaluating Reference Sets for Score-Based Likelihood Ratios for Camera Identification

Presenter: Stephanie Reinders, CSAFE research scientist


Innovative CSAFE research will be on display during the poster session in CHI Center Exhibit Hall B. These posters demonstrate research conducted by undergraduate and graduate students working on CSAFE projects. Posters will be displayed throughout the week with formal poster presentations on Tuesday, 5:00 – 7:00 p.m.

Check Out CSAFE Technology in Action

During exhibit hours, visitors to the CSAFE will be able to interact with new CSAFE technologies. The researchers who developed these tools will be on hand to give live demonstrations and answer questions. The schedule for the technology demonstrations is:

Footwear Data Collection System

All Exhibitor Hours

Step across the MANTIS Optics Scanner. This tread impression system takes real-time images of the shoe as it comes in contact with the scanner cover plate.


Aug. 2, 9:30-11:30 a.m.

An automated Android app analysis tool that discovers forensic artifacts generated in the usage of Android apps and identifies potential security threats and privacy data leakage in Android apps.

handwriter Software Demonstration

Aug. 1, 4:30-6:30 p.m.

Check out a demo of handwriter: an R package that extracts information and identifies shapes and features from handwritten documents.

Bullet Matching: From Scans to Scores

Aug. 2, 2-4 p.m.

Walk through the steps for assessing land engraved area (LEA) scans for similarity­ using the bulletr web app — from acquiring scans to getting similarity scores.

Chat with CSAFE Researchers

Attendees will also be able to attend scheduled meet-and-greets at the booth with CSAFE researchers. The following researchers plus more will be available to meet one-on-one and talk about CSAFE activities:

Director’s Chat

Alicia Carriquiry, CSAFE director

Aug. 3, 9:30-11:30 a.m.

The director and co-founder of CSAFE will be on hand to answer any questions you have about the present and future research of the center. Provide feedback and propose collaboration opportunities during this chat.

Jeff Salyards

Jeff Salyards, CSAFE Research Scientist

Aug. 2, 4:30-6:30 p.m.

Research is only so valuable without implementation. Jeff Salyards will share CSAFE’s plans for implementing a variety of current research. If you’re interested in collaborating, let Jeff know.

We will announce additional researchers as the conference approaches.

Test Your Knowledge of
Forensic Statistics

Put your knowledge to the test with CSAFE’s Statistics in Forensics quiz app. There will be three self-guided testing areas in the booth. The quizzes will include questions on probability, sampling, likelihood ratios, and more. And don’t worry if you get a question wrong. CSAFE researchers will be on hand to help you out.

Now seeking statisticians, scientists, and forensic practitioners!

Collaborate with CSAFE through one of our ongoing research projects. 

Continue your learning throughout the rest of 2022 with free opportunities through CSAFE!

Forensic Statistics
Learning Opportunities

Our learning opportunities help amplify existing knowledge and build new competencies

  • Learn statistical concepts as they apply to the evaluation of pattern and digital evidence 
  • Discuss challenges and how to overcome them in your daily work

Statistical Thinking for Forensic Practitioners

This four-part, 8-hour introductory course covers fundamental concepts in probability and statistics — motivated by forensic issues –– followed by a detailed investigation of how they apply to assessing forensic evidence’s probative value.


  • Session 1:
    Friday, October 14 
    10:00 am
    12:00 pm

  • Session 2:
    Friday, October 21 
    10:00 am
    12:00 pm

  • Session 3:
    Friday, October 28 
    10:00 am
    12:00 pm 

  • Session 4:
    Friday, November 4
    10:00 am – 12:00 pm

Introduction to Machine Learning for Forensic Science

This three-part, 6-hour course aims to provide an overview of machine learning and how it applies to forensic evidence. We will introduce attendees to the basics of supervised learning algorithms in the context of forensic applications while emphasizing classification trees, random forests, and neural networks. We will address some limitations of Machine Learning algorithms and introduce methods for assessing their performance.


  • Session 1:
    Thursday, September 1
    1 – 3 pm CT

  • Session 2:
    Thursday, September 8
    1 – 3 pm CT

  • Session 3:
    Thursday, September 15
    1 – 3 pm CT

Participants who complete a full course receive a Certificate of Completion through the Center for Statistics and Applications in Forensic Evidence

Ensemble SLRs for Forensic Evidence Comparison

To strengthen the statistical foundations of forensic evidence interpretation, we introduce a sampling and ensembling approach to using machine learning score-based likelihood ratios.


  • Thursday, August 25
    11 am – Noon CT

Tutorial on Likelihood Ratios with Applications in Digital Forensics

Explore how likelihood ratios can be applied to the analysis of behavioral data, particularly in digital forensics, with this tutorial-style webinar.


  • Thursday, September 15
    11 am – Noon CT

Every month, CSAFE condenses recent publications to two-page digests, designed specifically to enable forensic examiners to stay up-to-date, take actionable steps, or gain informed knowledge. Download Insights from CSAFE’s website at your leisure.

See a Full Schedule of Opportunities