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Modeling And iNventory of Tread Impression System (MANTIS): The development, deployment and application of an active footwear data collection system

Primary Author: Richard Stone
Secondary Authors: Susan VanderPlas
Type: Webinar

This CSAFE webinar was held on March 24, 2022.

Dr. Richard Stone
Iowa State University

Dr. Susan Vanderplas
University of Nebraska, Lincoln

Presentation Description:
This webinar details the development, capabilities and successful deployment of the Modeling And iNventory of Tread Impression System (MANTIS). MANTIS Optics Scanner takes real time video of gait as the shoe comes in contact with the cover place (again the clear portion). It synchronizes a series of video cameras to create a detailed image of the shoe that can later be processed by software such as Sift + Ransac to create the tread pattern for comparison. The cameras capture between 8 to 15 megapixels for the configuration below (four cameras located in the housing). The use of video optics is expandable to utilize the laser scanning option, though the current utilization focuses on optical capture, thus allowing for tread capture during dynamic movement, i.e. a person walking or running across the system.

Webinar Recording:

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