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Machine Learning for Forensic Practitioners Short Course (Summer 2022)

Published: 2022
Primary Author: Heike Hofmann

Dr. Heike Hofmann
Professor, Department of Statistics, Iowa State University
Kingland Faculty Fellow
American Statistical Association Fellow
AFTE Technical Advisor
Research Lead, CSAFE

Presentation Description:
Dr. Heike Hofmann provides an overview of machine learning and how it applies to forensic evidence. We will introduce attendees to the basics of supervised learning algorithms in the context of forensic applications while emphasizing classification trees, random forests, and neural networks. We will address some limitations of Machine Learning algorithms and introduce methods for assessing their performance. This short course will be held online in three sessions. Recordings will be available in the event registrants are unable to attend one or more of the live sessions. Researchers, collaborators, and members of the broader forensics and statistics communities are encouraged to attend. Short course registrants who attend all sessions will receive a certificate of completion.

Session One Recording:

Session Two Recording:

Session Three Recording:

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