After attending this presentation, attendees will understand how to use this new Android™ Center for Statistics and Applications
in Forensic Evidence-App Evidence Database (CSAFE-AED) in their casework investigation. This presentation will introduce the basics, challenges,
and limitations of the current mobile device forensics, and demonstrate how to take advantage of the CSAFE-AED database and search/recover the
possible evidence from the possible locations on and outside the mobile devices being investigated.
Android™ App Forensic Evidence Database

American Academy of Forensic Sciences Annual Scientific Meeting
American Academy of Forensic Sciences Annual Scientific Meeting
Published: 2019
Primary Author: Chao-Chun C. Cheng
Secondary Authors: Chen Shi, Brody Concannon, Zhenqiang Gong, Yong Guan
Type: Presentation Slides
Research Area: Digital
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