Stephanie Stoiloff
Senior Bureau Commander

Miami-Dade Police Department

Stephanie Stoiloff currently serves as Senior Bureau Commander of the Miami-Dade Police Department Forensic Services Bureau which includes an accredited crime laboratory. The laboratory provides forensic services for the Miami-Dade Police Department, all municipal agencies in Miami-Dade County and state and federal agencies,on request. The Forensic Services Bureau is comprised of four sections: Analytical, Forensic Biology, Forensic Identification, and Fingerprint Identification.

Ms. Stoiloff currently serves on the National Institute of Justice Forensic Laboratory Needs Technical Working Group, the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s Rapid DNA Crime Scene Technology Advancement Task Group, the External Board of Advisors for the Florida International University International Forensic Research Institute, the Major Cities Chiefs Forensic Science Committee, the International Association of Chiefs of Police Police Investigative Operations Committee, and the Practitioner and Technical Advisory Board for the Center for Statistics and Applications in Forensic Evidence (CSAFE).

Ms. Stoiloff has served on the American Society of Crime Laboratories (ASCLD) Board of Directors as well as served as a member of the Technical Working Group for the Preservation of Biological Evidence and the Sexual Assault Forensic Examination Response (SAFER) Working Group. Ms. Stoiloff has provided presentations on topics including accreditation, managing forensic operations, biological evidence preservation, and Rapid DNA analysis at national and international meetings including the National Governors Association, American Academy of Forensic Sciences, and the International Association of Chiefs of Police.