Jody Wolf is the Chief of Staff for the Phoenix Police Department.
Over her career, she has worked in both public and private laboratories and was most recently employed by the Phoenix Police Department Crime Laboratory for 22 years. She is an active member of several professional organizations and has been actively involved in the criminal justice community. She currently serves as the Chair of the Arizona Forensic Science Academy Board and the Chair of the National Forensic Science Academy. She also serves as the Secretariat to the United States Technical Advisory Group to ISO Technical Committee 272 on Forensic Science. She has held many leadership positions within the forensic community including the President of the International Forensic Strategic Alliance (IFSA) and the President for the American Society of Crime Laboratory Directors (ASCLD).
Jody received her Bachelors of Science degrees in Biology and Chemistry from Regis University in Denver, Colorado, and her Masters of Science degree in Chemistry from Arizona State University. She also received her Masters in Business Administration degree with an emphasis in Technology Management from the University of Phoenix.