Welcome to the 2025 Conference of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences

Find our booth (#704) in the exhibit hall to talk 1:1 and get free resources.

CSAFE Presentations

CSAFE will be giving the following presentations at AAFS. We’d love to meet you in person.
An asterisk (*) denotes a CSAFE researcher or collaborator.

Technology: A Tool for Transformation or Tyranny
Feb. 18, 1:00–6:00 p.m.
Yong Guan*, Katharine Pope, Kenneth Aschheim, JoAnn Buscaglia*, Alicia Carriquiry*, Sarah Chu*, Nancy Downing, Zeno Geradts, Thomas P. Paonessa, Jr., Katherine Scafiede, Hon. Donald Shelton and Lucas Zarwell


The Development and Evaluation of a Contrastive Learning Framework for Source Identification: Technology for Transformation in the Interpretation of Forensic Data 
Feb. 20, 11:05-11:30 a.m. 
Danica Ommen*, Christopher Saunders and JoAnn Buscaglia* 

Assessing the Accuracy and Reliability of Canine Explosives Detection Using OSAC Training and Certification Standards
Feb. 20, 2:20-2:40 p.m. 
Adele Quigley-McBride*, Haylie Browning, Lauryn DeGreeff and Paola A. Prada-Tiedemann  

Standards Development Activities Related to Friction Ridge Examination 
Feb. 20, 3-3:20 p.m. 
Heidi Eldridge* 

Developing Reproducible Protocols and Definitions for Selecting Combined Minutiae: Applications in Research and Practice 
Feb. 20, 4:30-4:50 p.m. 
Adele Quigley-McBride*, Heidi Eldridge* and Brett Gardner*  

Close Non-Matches and Database Searches: How Often Can We Expect to See a True Match Among the K Highest Correlations? 
Feb. 20, 5:20-5:40 p.m. 
Blanca Parker*, Heike Hofmann* and Alicia Carriquiry* 


Digital & Multimedia Sciences:

A Forensic Analysis of Google Fit App on WearOS 
Feb. 20, 1:10-1:30 p.m. 
Chen Shi* and Yong Guan*  


Engineering & Applied Sciences: 

Environmental Signature Extraction for Forensic Analysis of Audio Recordings Using AI/LLM Models 
Feb. 21, 8-8:45 a.m. 
Lucky Onyekwelu-Udoka* and Yong Guan* 

Similarity Assessments of Forensic Images 
Feb. 21, 8:45-9:15 a.m. 
Gautham Venkatasubramanian* and Alicia Carriquiry* 



A Preliminary Study: The Application of 3D Models, Simulations, and Finite Element Analysis (FEA) in Shooting Reconstruction 
Feb. 20, 9:45-10 a.m. 
Baillie Poulton and Keith Morris* 

Evaluating the Scientific Validity of Forensic Methods: Guidelines for Study Design and Analysis
Feb. 20, 1:30-2 p.m.
Michael Rosenblum, Maria Cuellar*, Susan Vanderplas* and Amanda Luby*


Questioned Documents: 

An Introduction to the Forensic Handwriting Analysis Software Handwriter 
Feb. 20, 9-9:40 a.m. 
Stephanie Reinders*, Alicia Carriquiry* and Danica Ommen* 

An Overview and Comparison of Software Tools for Quantifying the Value of Handwriting Evidence 
Feb. 20, 10:20-10:40 a.m. 
Danica Ommen* 

Statistical Thinking for Forensic Science: From Probability to Black Box Studies to Likelihood Ratios
Feb. 17, 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. 
Jeff Salyards* and Hal Stern* 

Expanding the Forensic Professional’s Toolbox: New Technological Resources for the Evaluation of Evidence
Feb. 18, 1-5 p.m.
Alicia Carriquiry*, Jeff Salyards*, Heike Hofmann* and Steve Lund*

Advancing the Understanding of 3D Imaging for Firearms Identification 
Feb. 18, 5-6:30 p.m. EST 
Melissa Nally* 


Forensic Statistics
Learning Paths

Our Learning Paths are sets of resources organized around a theme within the CSAFE Learning environment.

  • No requirement to follow topics in a sequential order 
  • Browse the library of resources and interact with those best suited to your needs

Principles of Statistics Learning Path

This Learning Path includes the following learning opportunities:

  • What do we mean by ‘Statistics’? – ⏱ 5 min.
  • Stats in the Courtroom – ⏱ 30 min.
  • Statistical Thinking for Forensic Practitioners – ⏱ 8 hrs.
  • Forensic Stats 101 (Enrollment Fee Required) – ⏱ 30 hrs.

Registering for this learning path will only enroll you in the free learning opportunities—a separate enrollment is needed for any courses with a required fee.

Machine Learning & Statistical Algorithms

This Learning Path includes the following learning opportunities:

  • Regression – ⏱ 5 min.
  • Classification – ⏱ 5 min.
  • Algorithms in Forensic Science – ⏱ 30 min.
  • Machine Learning for Forensic Practitioners – ⏱ 6 hrs.

Registering for this learning path will enroll you in all of these free learning opportunities.


This Learning Path includes the following learning opportunities:

  • Probability – ⏱ 5 min.
  • Conditional Probability – ⏱ 5 min.
  • Discrete vs Continuous Probability – ⏱ 5 min.
  • Statistical Thinking for Forensic Practitioners – ⏱ 8 hrs.
  • Forensic Stats 101 (Enrollment Fee Required) – ⏱ 30 hrs.

Registering for this learning path will only enroll you in the free learning opportunities—a separate enrollment is needed for any courses with a required fee.

Participants who complete a course receive a Certificate of Completion through the Center for Statistics and Applications in Forensic Evidence.

See a complete list of Opportunities